ROVERS. C Jp. I.. caufe ofit, in three twoverfes; andpartly, by the gricuou ties ofit, in the three next. The caufe is obllinacie andperurrfenclfe,whereoi Thee conuinceth them, partly by herbenit*nity, and kinde d. s- ling towards them, and partly by their ingratitude, and con- temptuous behauiour towards her, Shee cirlleth them, by way ofinuitemer:t,to be partakersof her graces :(hee Stretch. eth out her bands vnto them, exprefíìngher earnefl delire of their conuerfion, as men bybeckoning or other lìgnes im- portune thole whom they would haue to come vnto them; but they refu,/ed to hearken, and toyeeld obedience to her voyce : none ofthem regarded the teflimoniesand tokens of her favour : they de(fifed, Set at naught, and derided hercoun- fell,thofe wholefome precepts, and admonitions which flee gaue vnto them,andwould none ofher corre£lions,wcre weary ofher rebukes and chatlifementt,but notamended by them. D011.1. The more meanes any one bath to makehim good,the greater is his (inne and danger if he make not vfe ofthem. For this caufe our Sa'iiour Chrifl aggrauateth the (inne ofChorazim and Bethfaida, beyond that of7yrtes and Sidon, and deemeth thedamnation of the Capernaits to be more horrible and fearefull then that of theSodomites. And this Mdc.U.1I:22. moued him to teflifieagainft the froward Pharr ef, andhard hearted Iewes, to whom hee had preached, that if hee had not come and1J oken vnto them, they Should hauehad nofinne, in comparifon, but now their finne remayneth, Read Ifay 5. it. Z. &c. and 65. z. Hof: ¡z. io. z Kings I I. 13. t+ 2 Chron.36.15.16. Heb,z.z.3.4. and 12. Z5. Luke 13.34. Heb. 6 y. 8. eion 1. Firfl, the goodnelTe of God is difpifed, his gifts are dil- valued, and his favour reieeted, by the refufall of his gra- cious offers, and difobedience to his holy inflra ions, 2. Secondly, the confcience is morepreffedwith the weight ofgui'.tinc(fe,when men doe wittingly andwillinglyproceed in their quill wayes again(} the know ledgeof the truth, and the manife(Iation of Gods holy will fo euidently demon- pratedvnto them : and therefore by his righteous judge- ment,