r J).(+ J: R O V E R 1 S. %7 bothbody and foule to perdition for cuer . The latter part .preuenteth an obiec`fion that might be made, and often is,a0 gain(1 this, and the former fentences of Wifedome : Doth contemptuous turningawayflay thefimple? And, doeclef iferr eate the fruit oftheir owne wayes? How con,mcth it to paire then, that ofall others, theycommonly thriuebea, and few are foundfo profperous, and in fo goodef}ate as they? The anlwere is Inadc,That the prof jierity offooles fha11deftroy them, both inhaftening their iudgements,and making it the more gricuous : and fo ffoppcth not, butfurthcreth the executi- onofWifedornes threatnings. Sinfulnelle doth murther them that will not learne wife- Dollr, r. dome, to beware ofit. There is another laying in this Booke,which dothmuch accord with this our text , and in meaning is altogether the fame, inFlruálion is euiti tohimthatforfàketh the way, andhee that batethcorrealonfhall die. Saint Paulacknowledgeth it tohaue beene his owne cafe, whiles he liued in ignorance, he thoughthimfeife tobe fate, andhappy; Iwas once aliue (faith he) without the Law, but after that hewas better informed,he found the guilefulnelTe and crueltyofGnne , how it had deceiued andflaire him; in which ¿fare hee had continued and perifl;ed , if Chriíl, by grace, had not deliucred him. Zophar refembleth it to a dangerous poyfon, which is fo much the morepernicious in effea,by how much it is more pleafant in tatle,wherebywretched fooles are allured to de- uoure it, and therefore declaring themadnei.Fe and miferie ofcuery oneof them , hee faith, When wickedneffe wasfired" r®b zo,t in his mouth, andhee hidit under his tongue, and fauoured it 6,c. andwould notforfak,e it , but kept it, clofe in his mouth , thenhis mate 13äs turned in his howells,the ?allof4I44eswas in the mids ofhim, hee bathfucked thegall of.0es, aardthePipers tongue (hallflay him. el Fir ff , it feperateth man from God , who alone is the eafon I. fountaine-of lire, and that to t tofc , which arcvnited veto slim, and haue Communion with him. M 3 Second-