Vetj.4 1' R o V E R B S. I I and other Each matter be incomparably more vfefull and needfull than gold, pearles and precious (tones, and ect be- caufe the one fort is obuious toall, and cuery one may eue- ry where rrreete with therm , and the other found to kw places, and therefore it cotntneth to paf3`e that the better are defpifed in comparifon ofthe Chafer, Secondly,by conflant diligence the iniegritie oftheup- right man is tobe approued,and throughdefault thereofthe guile of the hypocrite bewrayed, that the one may receiue the prayfe ofhis faitl,frdlneffe, And the other beare the re- proach of his fallhood. For, ifwring of grace, and talking of religion could fuffiee for faluarion without this, díiret -_ bless (Mould be in as good elate äs found-healedChrif}i- ans. For who wool l not for credits fake giue entertainment to knowledge, wilcdome and verrue, if they might behad without paines? And who wouldbe depriued of the bliíre of heauen, if hce might b2 tranfported to it without trancil And therefore faith hee, who is Lord of Grace andglory, arid bath the difpofing ofboth; ,Striueto enter inat theftraite 13. gate :for many, Ifay untoyou, willfeeke to enter in and ¡hall not be able. Thirdly, the benefit that accreweth to them which pof- feffe this wifedome and vnderflanding doth counteruaile, and incomparably ouer-poyfc all other the bell commodi- ties that can poilibly he gotten by the moil ferions fludy and labour, and therefore direly deferueth the greatefl dili- gence in Peeking of it. Gold can doe no man hülfe fomuch good as it, nor other Jewels whatfocuer may be named or thought on : the moll precious riches are viler than dung, if they be compared with this celeliall treafure. R proofe of them that are wonderfully fludions for hue mane learning,and refufe Sao toylefor earthly commoditiesr they beate their brairies,they breake their fleepe, theywaft their firength about the getting of skill or fiabflance,naBee is fo buh e -: but for fpiriruall knowledge and pietie, to be in- formed in the way to faluation, they will not moue a foote, or open the lips, or bend an care : no Drone is fo lazy. And N this