Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

àLuke 174 x2 R O VERB S. Glp.2, Wee beingdelivered outofthe hAnds ofour enernics, jZouldferdte himwithout fare all the days of our life, in holineffe andrigh- teowfs:e f fe beforehim. Secondly, we fland ingreaten need of his helpe for our foules and conuerfations. Our ghoifly enemies are by farce themoll perillous, for malice, herceneire, power, and fub- tilde : Wee arc of our (clues in nothing more filly, impo. tent, and euery way infufficient,than in refilling the Diucll, and our owne outrageous corruptions; then in ordering our harts aright, and directing our fteps in the commander ents of God : and nowound is fo dangerous, as that of theCon- science; nodammage is fo great, as the lotfe of innocencie and righteoufneffe;no wandering is fo pernitiousas to flray from theway- of life, and to turne into the by-pathes that leade to deflruetion. All corporall tortures, andother tem. porall miferies are farre inferiour to thefe hellifh and perpe- tu.all mifchiefea, for the auoyding whereof many of Gods deare Children haue endured as much and as exquitìte bo. dily torment as mans wit could inuent, or his hand was able to infli& upon them. Admonition to conclude no further of Gods loue and mercy, from your outwardpreferuation, then you may ende the fruits ofhis fauour in guiding you by his word, and gi. ping vü ory ouer your finnes, by his Spirit. Otherwife, while youwalke in wicked wayes, which of the wordl might not haue matchedyou in obtayning ofdeliuerances ? You haue elcapedwhen many rnifcarried : fo didCharm, whenall theworldwas drowned; and yet not better beloued ofthe Lord than innumerable that perifhed. You haue had the better, andyour enemies were foyled : might not Saul have laid fo muchand e.Aechab, and diuers other Idolaters, who yet at Jail wereconfounded, asyou rnuit needes be, in earth, or hell, if your iniquities be not conquered ? for God in the end by his judgement will turne his hand againil your bo dies, when he is continuallyprovoked by the Pnnesofyour foules. Intiruc`tion, that teeing theLord is asvigilant for the fare- guard