x2, K O V E R B s. a .t,. to fl,unne that which is euill, as will appeare in the fequele ofthat which followeth. Then, when thou haft applyed thine cares and heart to wifedome, when thou haft called for vnderflanding, when thou hall diligently fought for it, and found it, the Lord bellowing it vpon thee , then /halt thouvnderftand, both know, and iudicioufly exercifc luftice, that which is lawful/ and right; and judgement, prudence, andgood difcretion;and equitie,fairhfull and plaine dealing; and euery goodpath, all good courfes of righreou(rielre and Religion. And that he meaneth a prac4icail knowledge,and not at intclleduall onely, it may be feene by conference with other places, as Chap.8. verf 20. 1 caufetowdk' in the wayofrighteoufneffe,andin the mdf ofthepathes of iud 'ement. And in the fir(' Chap. Fir . 3.70receiueinfruáiion,to ;toe wfe. ly by luftice, andJudgement, and Equitie. Seemore there. Verre io. Whenwi(edorneentereth into thy heart,andICnow4 ledge deleghteth thybide. Verle i z. Then !hall Ceunfellpreferue thee, andy'nderfian. ding 'hall keepe thee. Verfe i s, elnddeliuer theefrom the millway. HAuing in few words, but very fignificant, exprefTed the forceof Wifedome,inconduingand inablingmen to that which is good, flee is now to declare the venues of it, for conferuationagainfl that which is euill : it is aborrowed spanner of fpeechor figure, which wecall Profopopeia, corn. pared to a Watch or Guard, fuch as Princes and Great-men are wont tohaue about then for the fafetyoftheir perlons: and therefore it is femblably laid in theeleaucnth verfe(con- tayning the fumme of all) that Counfedl'hall preferue them, and hnderfanding fhall keepe them_,) their foules(hall beasfait by the power thereof, as thebodies of thofe which haue a band ofarmed men to waite vpon them. Hereunto in the tenth Verre, lace maketh a patrage, by teaching him that would receiuedefence fromwifedome, how he mull bepre- pared for it : and afterwards in the twelfth, and thofe that follow