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erJeI.4 . I I .1 2:: P R O E -R S: r' 7 follow, hee fpecìfeth the principall hurtfull things from which he fhall be protected. In the preparation are two things required: 6rfl, that 'Y"edon a enter not into the head cncly, fo as it maybe vnderílood or may be difcourfedóf, but into the heart, to feafon theconfcience, and that it be fin- gularly beloued, which will produce this effect, that know- :ledge Ihall delight thefinite, be pleafant vino it, asbeautifull fightsare to the eyes; according to the proper fignifcation of the word, or as meateand drinke are to the hungry and thinly, or any thing which wee relifh well, in which fence the word is alto fometiwes vfed, as Prou. 9.17. Hadbreadit pleafant, t-c, The hurtfull things fromwhich Wfedomse will defend a man, are of two forts : Come are reall or a tuall, as the crash -tray, wicked bchauiour, or finfull attempts, and exorbitant ,courfes : tome arcperfonall, as themeants andcaufes of the -- former, and thefe are mentioned in the latter ilraineofthe twelfth Verfe,andmore fully in thofethat next enfue it. Deaitr: The fruit and verrue of Wifedome for preferuation, longer') to them that imbrace it with good affc8iion. All they, andnonebefdes,are lure toenioy theright vfe -and benefit of their knowledge, andof the holy Scriptures -which they know, that haue loue mixed with their vnder- ílanding : others will be puffedvp with pride, and neyther be edifiednor fenced. Wce are taught-this, almoft in the firfl Verleof the & ii Plalme, where the Welled man, that neyther walketh in the counfell ofthe wicked, norffandeth in the Pf41. t: I. 2: way offiuners, rserfitteth -inthefeateofthefcorners, is bee whole delight is in theLawofthe Lord. And to the fame caufe is the fruufulneffeof a good mans lips, and the conflant vpright- -netTe of his life afcribed in another Pfalme in this manner; Themouthoftherighteous will f iaak.e ofwifedome,andhis Pfal.37. 3o:3 t. willmike ofrudgement : for the LawofGod is inhis heart: an hie fepsfhall not flide.Salomon for this purpofc anncxeth a light- -foane promite to a wholfome exhortation, laying; Binde thyFatherscommandement alwayes uponthy heart, c -c. Itfhali PreN.6, a=. 2 lead thee when thou walke /1; itjhall watchfor thee when thou O fleepeff'