Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ofrine, 134 PROVERBS Chdi.2. Verfe i 6. It fhall deliuertheefrom the f rangewomán,fron, the117-anger whichflattereth with her words. NOw folIoweth the atonal fort ofperillous perfons,from which Wifedome will defend the men that loue her, the will deliver them from the euil woman, from the adultereffe, and all her inticements,with the fruit,and end therof. 1 Qualities, And here is fhe delcribed by her ¿a EWe b. Her Qualities are flrf}, that thee u a _grange woman , one with whom thou oughtc(} to haue nothing to doe : For frrange (landed-1 in oppofirion toa mans lawful! Wife, all o- tilers in that fente arc tlrangers;fo other fire than that which God tent downe fromheauen vpon the Altar, andwas the continually nourithed, was called Strange fire : then flee is laid to heal/ranger ; to be reputed asa íorreiner , that hath alienatedher Celle from God , and his people, by her filthy conucrfation. As therefore the Ifraelites might not marry with women that were Aliens, as being the daughters of {lunge Gods , no more ought a member of ChriF to haue companywith an harlot, as being, as it were, ofanother na- tion, not fanc`ificd to the Lord, yea beingdiflant fromhim by birth, as farreas the earth is from heauen. i. Her lewdand finfull behauiour. Hereffee Bare z The woe and mifery whereunto thee bringeth her companions. Some part ofher misbehauiour is mentioned in this vale, as her fmoothcand flattering fpcech, whereby fhe labouretlh to allure vnmarricd and hccdelcfTe perfons= and them with a bait to bring into her net. The loue and vertue of Godsword, is theonely found remedy again(!the (iinne ofwhoredotne. Wifedome dothnot oncly command, as makipgclayme to her owne right, but likewifegiueth counfdll , refpec ing outfafety from thecontagion ofthis finne, when the faith,