Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

;42, I ROVER S Chap4, Reproofe oU two contrary, extremities often praefifed againllthis point:one is ofthen° that make toomuch ha(Èe . in marrying Children vnder age, before any ofthe former realons can take place: theycannot yet difpote of their af. fedions, they haue neythcr learned by pradife nor precept to loue, in Inch manner as Matrimonie rcquireth :it is not yet time for them to marry; neyther haue they fufficient judgement and vnderllanding tomake a covenant in the pretence ofGod, or to-performe the duties thatmutually .. are from one to the other. The other is of them that neg. ket that care which Parents fbould haue in prouiding matches for their children indue time, whereof much mill enlueth, as Come corrupt thcmfelucs with incontinencie,be- fore they be marryed, and can neuer be cured of it after. wards. - Others take vpon them to be their owne chairs, and eyther marryor contraé themfelues without con(ent of parents : others beare a greater burthen through neede of marriage, andwayting the benefit ofthat ordinance,than theyare well able to fuflaine. Andhere wee haue alto occafion offered, but wee vvill not purfuite it, to taxe thole vnequall matches ofold vvo. men pail age, with youngmen frefb in flreegrh and yeeres, which depriue the World and Church of LW cct fruit, name- ly, legittimare children, and burthen the fame many times with crabbed baflards : betides, the hot flames of lealoulc, -often which are commonly kindled with -Inch Wiucs, and the fa(lidious contempt that often arifetta in the hearts of thole Husbands. Dolls.. 4. Fsrf4e the ceusnant, &c.] Vnfairhfulnef a toones yoake. fellow is alwayes ioynedwith impietie againfl God. It is finne againfl the Lard to wrong a friend, a feruant a bond-feruant, an enemies any man, orany bea(l, but that is vnrighteoufnefíe, and this is vngodlinetle : , thereby his Creature is mifuled, and hereby his Name-is defpifed : for as much as by that the conrrat was confirmed . And Meg. z, ta. therefore faith tí^vfglachic, The Lerd hath 6eene zritneffe e- tweene thee sand the Wife ofthyyouth, aainff whom thou h4 trarsjgreffed,