Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

rei".19. PROVERBS. 141 them fottifh and Ideots : they are fo infatuated by it, that ncyther decay in cffate, nor abalienation of friends, nor difeafcs of body , nor folk of honour , nor damnation of fóule, nor any miferie prefent or future, can caute them to abandon it . Wee all 'inde the complaint of the Prophet verified almoft in all, both Drunkards and Adulterers, and may truely tcflifie with him, that, Whore-Hof ¡r. douse, Wine, and new Wine, haue takenaway theirhearts. Inftruion for them that areyet free from the prat}ife of this more than beaflly fìnne, that they be heedefull to thcrnfclues with all warinetre, and neuer fuller thernfelues to be defiled with it. Come not neare to thebrinkeof fuchan infernal! pit whereDeath dwelleth, and dcftruaion in teth,andwhich is one ofthe lodgings ofhell : feareto come neare to that whirle. poole which fwalloweth vp fo many millions, and permittethfcarcc anyof all (how puifTanr, or politickefoeuer) toefcape with life, or honour . Saynot, will fwimme, for then thouwilt furely fincke : prefume not of repentance, left thou be plunged in perdition : for they ofall others are molt in danger of.drowning,whichpromife to themfelues thefafefl deliuerance. If Death then,with Damnation, behideous and fearefull, letadultery and whoredome be odious, and feared : foraf- muchas the pangs ofthe one, doe fo certainely followthe pleafuresofthe other. And in the fecond place, howmuch doth it concerne them that (landguilty of this crime to be awakened, and prouide for their owne indemnitie, as not knowing howToone they fhalbe drawne to execution ? They haue forfeited their foules, and the Lawof God bathpaired fentence, that they fball bedepriued ofboth : and if they be fpared from theGtroke of a temporary violent death , they are the more fubieft to the torture ofeternal! condemnati- on. Were thefe men well aduifed, and did they coníderatc. ly apprehend their owneelate, howcould they poffibly be fo fecure, and careleffe ? Could they be foworldly, or afpi- ring, or voluptuous,or iocund ? If they knewwhat hereaf- ter they thall know; if they felt the feare of that whereof P 3 they ir-.__