150 PROVERBS. Chap:Z. and heeded as patterns ofobedience to Gods word, there is the more &retie and airurance in proceeding . You may know you are right : the path is beaten and made plaine before you, by their leete hohaue palled thorow thefclfe- fame way to the very farne place without mifcarrying. And therefore the Apof'le tearmeth the vertuous examples of the faithfull Pat riarkes and Fathers, 14/itneges, a clo1sd ofwit., noires, fuch as did fo eminently and cuidently giue teftit o- iüc to the truth,for all poth rities to imbrace ir, as the Pillar ofthe Cloudgaue dircbion to the Ifrac1ites in thew ilderneire. which way they fhould trauell. Reproofeof them ( and that is of fuch a multitude as is innumerable) which neuer fet foote in good mens f'eps, vnlefle it be in their extraordinarie actions, in which they arc to haue no followers, or where they haue wandered or ftumbled,or taken a fall by erroneousopinions,or humane infirmities, from neyther ofwhich the bell. haue any cer. taine immunitie. All Poperic and heretic is grounded on this foundation : eyther they pervert the Scriptures, and learned mens writings, or elfe warrant thctnfelucs by the vnwarrantable fayings and prabifes of thofe which other- wife arc found and Orthodoacc.But the moulpart are ma prone to follow the wort' fort, efpecially if they be of bplace and qualirie, the fcantling is taken from their num- er, ftimation and greatneife;.and feldorne or neuer from their verrues, fnceritte and goodnedle, It is cuident to be fècne, and much to be lamented, that upright men arecur. nedalone, and compelled to be folitarie: few cunuerfe with them, and a.lmof' none come after them in their verturs, whereas the,- vyorif of the v.vicked haue companie too much in euery kinde ofe.uill, and flockes doe follow them in the-piadife ofany Iicentioufncire. And what (hall wee fay of them that arc not alone , and like to good rrjen; but aduerfaries to them ?- that due not onely negleè} the example of their faitljfulnellc, but. reproach it; which are fo fare from imitating their integritie, as that they,picke quarrels againil: the Came., and depraue it. Secondly