Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

x. 3. 154 PROVERBS. chap.2. and (landerous enemies of Religion, who by bl*fphemous imputations attempt to draw it into hatred, and to alienate all mens afTebions from it : as though thee could endure none of her friends and followers to be wealthy, tobe ho- nourable, tobe chearefull, to profper well, to liue long,and leave a good elate to their Children. Such are the cla- mors ofthe world, and (Lich is the falfhood of the Diuell, again (l theveritie oftheScriptures,and the euident demon (ration of experience. Folly of them that make worldlinefre , crueltie, lying, falfhood, and other iniquities, the very foundation of their felicitie: by pratife ofrhefe, they tru(l to compafíeriches, and by hauing of riches they hope to becomehappy, and fo they make vnrighteoufnefe their trade, wicked c1fam- mon their treafure, and this prefent world their principal( Paradife: by which they doe not onely make their fouler liable to the torments of hell, but likcwife expofe them- felues to horrible plagues and iudgements on earth, and hue euery moment in perill thereof. They may peraduen- ture purchafe Lands, and take LeaGs, build houles, plant Orchards, make Gardens,and amine to manifold commo- dities and delights, yet (hall neythei they, nor theirs, inioy the fame, longer than vntill they haue fulfilled the mea- lure of their tranfgrcflìons, than vntill their finne be ripe, and Gods vengeance be ready, then downe they (hall, how firmely focuer they Teemed to be rooted, and wither they mull, how grcene and flourithing foeuer tlicy haue appea- red : fo farm (hall they be from rerayning their former beautie and excellencie in the fpreading branches, as that not fo much as a flunnpe of them (hall be left in the ground, to grow againe, after the time of their extir- pation. Confolation to the poore, violently oppre(fed by the power of the mightie, that oucr-droppe all the lower plants which grow neare vnto them, and thofe met} which beare moll fruit; let them be well afTured that (o Toone as they waxeharmefull, they arc marked to be felled,and made fire- wood)