Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

e = e ,?=& eft 64r j 5, X f /t:-" E4,,jor, (510M*PI T© the Right \lVorfhipfùfl ('op S1C aratUflle e, Knight, grace, mercie, and peace bee rnulti1,lied fr,yourlöúing acceptance öf'our P® , former treatife,together with the good entertainerent which it hath found with many chriftian readers, hath much encouraged vs to dedicate this alto to your 1 fauourablc patronage. Wee are nowmore willing to make force work for the preffe, becaufewehaue no imployment in the pulpit. And whoknoweth but that others(whomGod bath gra- ced with far greater fufiiciencie) maybee ftirred vp _heereby,to:publiíh foreoftheir godly meditations: that as their faithfuil labours were formerly likepure `fountaines, which did onely refreth their particular congregations : fonow, by meanes ofprinting,they may bee made like great and comfortable riuers, to water the whole land. Andwhereas we and our familieshaueplentiful- ly taíted ofyour goodneffe and mercie, we thought it our bounden duties to manifeft our vnfained thankefulneffe for thefame t that other Patrons may A.iij. be