Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

e' 26 'rt be moiled by your example, to fhew the like corn: paflion to their difireffed Minifters, that you haue done to vs and ours, ifour fuccefl"e fall out accor- ding to our hope,we purpofe(by Gods affiífance)to proceed further in this booke of theProuerbs,in the famemethodewhich is heere alreadybegun,it other- wife : yet this is our comforr,that it hath beene,and is our continual) care, and hearts delire, to keepe a good confcience,and to recompence our prefent f- lencc with the bell feruice that we are able to per- forme vnto the Church. Ihe God ofall me: cie and comfort, multiplie his gracious bleflings vpon you more and more,andgraunt all peace and profperitie to all thofe that faithfully loue and feeke, thepeace of the Church and theprofperitie of the Gofpell,. Your woríliips in ail Chriflian: duties to bee comrnaunded,. john `pod, Tobert Cleourcr.