Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

.e ivIfc,va..Fl7ey. vr#'.r It S Built her hossfe.. &c. It belongeth onely to Chrift, both to build and beautifie the Church,which caufed Did though he Chriftonel P was king, and feemed to haue the whole difpofing of themat- t bh eautifi e bui erc lder ter in his ownehand,yet to intreate the Lord to Phewmerle to theChurch Zion and tobuildvp the orals ofIerufalem : that is,topí -. forthe fafetie,increafe and good eflate ofthe godly.ifno man, no not Salomon bee able by his induflrie to build an earthly.. P fal iz7r, familie,rnuchlcffe can any creel a Churéh which is Gods fpi rituali habitation, and to this purpofe tends all that is hecre afcribed to Wifedome, her houle, her pillars, hervittailes, her wine, her table, her maiden : that is Ch rift his fpirituall houfc, protetion,feafl, and mefrengers,for notwithflanding themi- nillers be men and not fpirits, yet their function is fpirituall, and not humane. Firft,hee alone Math the difpofingofthe A'ord,vouchfafing Reafons, r it to fome and denying it to others, according to his owne God giues will. Tfal. 147.19.20. Secondly,noman,nor meanes can bee Word wher< fuffcient to make fuffcient miniflers, vnleffe heeboth furnifh hc"124 2 and fend them forth,(kgm. r o_2 3. Thirdly, his ípirit conuer- 3,. tech mens foules,and begetteth them to euerlafting life, and fo they become floues ofthis building, for were not the word made mightie and effeCtuall by. him, Sachanwould keepe his holdagatnfl the preachers,and proude hearts would neuer be brought into fubieh}ion. 2. Cor. 10.4.5. So far as wee with well to the Church, let vs by prayers to Vie r. God procure the welfare thereof, as wa"s praElifed by vani- Pfal.izi.6, e11,,Nehemiah, andothers, notwithflanding the great accompt they were in with their Princes. Reproofe of Papiflsand others that retïfl God inhis work, 2 attempting to plucke downe that which heebath fct vp, as to hinder the increafe of Chriflians, to flop the paffage of the Gofpell,and as much as-in them is,to refiraine the.courfeofall Chrittianitie, who as they walke in the fleps of their bro- ther. Elimislo may they.looke for the,likefuccef%e with him. 451.z3.í0. Confolation, that thecafe of the Church were not defpe- rate, though it íhould come to paffe, that men eyther durfl not ..