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i ey,CI.5à Ivsclw..tia! by them ¡hallneuer attainevntooit without them.Luke.r4.24.. Inflru Lion to be teachable and tra1able to their perfwa- Vfe,r, fions fo farce as they bring their me!fage from their mailer, and call vsfrom thepoyfon ofour owne finfulnes,to thewhole- fome foodofwifedomes Reprofeoffuck as account them vnneceffary and vnprofi- table, and thrullvpon the people as a trouble, burthen, and charge vntothem : who many times both difpife their do- ftrine,and perfecute their perions.Mat.22 6. Confolation for filch as haue them in fingular loue for their, works fake, dealing kindly with the minif}ers arid taking the benefice of their nuniflrie : the kindneffe they Phew is accep- ted,asdone toChrifl,and thepromifes they receiue be as folide and fure,as if theywere deliueredby Chri(l. Chrifl Iefus bath appointed the preaching of the gofpel to Do t,z, bemoil publike, that all might be inflruaed by ;LT his mo- Chrift wou; ued theApofile to be fo induflrious in his fun6}ion, and deli. hate thego. rous euer where to reach both to the lewes &Gentiles. It openly Y p taught that was his bounden. duetie fo to doe : he did owe them that fer- muipht bee i trice : the Lord bequeathed vnto them the minifiry offaluati- ßruted. on, and made him an executor ofhis will,, and therefore hee Rom, r, r3. i was in their bebt;vntill he had difcharged it. Firft, all the doc}rine of God is perfealy true and will Reafons r, hold out at the trial' : the more it commeth into the light to bee lookedvpon, themore it will bee iuflified,to the glorieof the author, the clearing of the miniflers and faluation of the faithfuls hearers. Secondlie, his goodneffe is filch that hee would haue no 2. man to perifh, but would all men to come to repentaunce. . `Peter.3.9. Thirdlie,hee bath ordained it to bee necefTarie and eí%c- wall for the faluation ofall forts of people. Titur.2.14 Fourthly, it is expedient for the rebuke of finfuli men. /fit. 58.1, and the comfort of godlie men.Ifa.4Q 9.and.thoedifi- cation ofall men. Rom.I6.26. Reproofe ofleluites ,Seminaries,and`Brownifls,which de- Vie, rá light to creepe into corners. Secondlie,of ignorant and infuf C, ij ficient.