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2 ficient miniflers which neuer dwelt inwifedomcs familie,nor receiued any mefrage from her,and therefore are vtt'erlie vna- ble to declare her minde. erfe, 4. Whofo i, fim ple Vic. Heere is a difcription of the guefls that be meete for this feaft,which in Phew feeme moil vnmeete,as being moil vnlike the Miflreffe of the feafl : and thefe are Pimple perfons,defli- tute offpirituall vnderílanding, yet fo as they feele the want ofknowledge, and the waight of their ignorance,and kaleno longer on worldly wifedome. Whofo. Ignoraunce is not a caufe that fhould flay men from hearing the wordofGod, but rather incite them to it. Firfl,their necefsitie loth require it : for who bath more neede of eie- falue, then they whole eies are fore ? And who haue more needeofguides,then they who haue loft their fight and are bee-come blinde ? And efpecially when the way is difficult and full ofdaunger. Thevertue and efficacie that is in the word fhould allure them unto it :for it is füfficient to illuminate, and giue light to all that leeke it. fal19.7.8.&c. InflruE}ionfor the miniflers ofChriflfo to deliuer the do- arine as it may be moll plaine and perfpicuous to the fìmple people. I Con14.19.2 4. 2 Reproofe of fuch as affen obfcuritie, that the vulgar fort fhould not,vnderfland them, taking it to be for the glorie of their learning to mount abone the capacitie of their hearers. 3 Confolation for poore vnlearned men when they come to the Church ofGod : let them not beedifcouraged iftheir aft, petite ferue them. They arebidden guefis, and Chillbath preparedmeete fo them,and it Both his hart good to fee them Bate it. That is, hee is well pleated, anddoth reioyce that God lothbellow his graces vpon them. Mat.l 1.52. Fourthly, for the confutation, firfl, of the Popifh feruice in a flrange language,wherein the Pimple people bee fo farre from receiuing any comfort by the matter that is vttered, as that Do& he more ig- orant weare, e more need e haueofin. ru&ton. Vfe,i.