Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Verj. 9 1 TI S. fayings fauour not of fufhcicnt learning&wifdotrre for your initrwfhon: but know that his conceit p:ocecdeth fromwit. le(neifeand Want OfwiCedome,as not hauing grace and vndere ffhndin ; to apprehend the counlels ofGod, which are delive- red by `Dauid, foul, Salomon, and the reft of the holywriters For who but a rook would make himfelf wifer than Salowon ? Thereforeyou loath Manna,becaute Onions, and Garlrckc, and Leckrs $ be fitter for you thanAngels food. You might know(proudnnen)if pridedid not depriue you ofknowledge, that the Prophets and Apoffles false rafedor4e,and wrote wits dome arming them.that are-`erfell, though notthe wifedome of this world : bit the wi'e,fimrne ofGod in a mi ery, even hid ITijre- dome, which Goal reuealeth by his Spirit : For the naturall man vaderfandeth not the things which are of God. Who feethnot in these perlons, an execrable careletizef1c of holy things, fo baleiy to vilifie that which in all the world is the mofit wore thy,and precious ? Neyther yet is this all that dicers are tobe charged with, though more than euer they can auoid; but in this they Phew a greater contempt, that they for fakeSalomens parables, and Christ his precepts,and Gods owne divine coun- fels, and cieaue toMacberaili his profane, doggilh, and diuel- lifh politiques. Thefe they read, (ludic, meditate of, and de- light in,and daily pra6ile, when they ca`t away theBible and contemne it. Of Salomon,&c.] Somewhat muff be spoken of the writer heeteMentïcíncd,Sàlomon,before we corne to the next point, feeing it pleareth the Lord to honour his Hanie, by prefixing it to thebeginning ofthis Sacred Booke, that it clothappeare bothby this worke, and the rest of his writings canonized for the petpetuail vie ofthe Church, that he is eIeaeci,fan- étif7ed, and ['sued ¡howfoeucr druers without due cause haue calledhis Bate in gticftioe) for the holy GhaftebySaint Peter, e- cloth witnefle of the Prophets, andwriters of the Scriptures, that they were holymenofGod. And as for Salomon, more per- ticular tettimonics are glues of him, and filch as snake mani- left the purpoi of God for his (aluation. Before hee was borne WeLord profet%ch his goodnetfe towards him , that he Do(51.2,. Pet.I.zs_,