Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ReaCon,r, 2 3 VCe.t. 2 Docíz. ee is rruely raciuus,that rowel in race. 2.0 ) roster s. ; ,.g. per, : . Metaphor, &zecháos, Peter, 2nd many other. Richgarments require brufhing, and fine linnen bathneede of wafhing,and themoll pleafant and delightfull gardens mull oftentimes be weeded. F irit,originall corruption doth cleaueyr to their nature and infect their hearts,and many times defile their behauiour,and though they make it langifli through wounds that they give it : yet it will neuer be flarke dead, fo long as they beAttie. Secondly,God hath ordained it as a tnedecine for humilitie againfl pride, that they thall (land in neede of the helpe of their brethren, and fometimes alto come under their cenfiires. Thirdly, it is a bondwhereby one Chriflian is knit to an other, when the one doth declare loue by giuingoffaithfull counfell, and the other by thankefull receivingof it. Inflrution,Firfl,that thegoodgifts cifGods children caufe vs not to drnie this duetie to them, when their wants andour oportunitiecall for it. Secondly, to conceiue lovingly of them that thew vs this kindeneffe : they doe good toour foules,and befriend vs in our names,by couering our fumesfrom others, and (hewing them toour (-clues, which elfe might breakeout to our infamie. lac.s. 20. And by this meanes God (hall bee ferued,and his Scripture obayed on both fides : whiles theone part Both brotherly admonifh according to the precept that heere is giuen, and the other part doth kindely accept it actor. ding to the reafon anexed. Confutation of them that too far iuflifie the wales ofgood mcn,approuing their errours in opinion,theirflips in fpeaches, their Hidings in a tions,and all elfe to bee well, and warranta- ble, and imitable, if the men bee wife and godly. Nothingof them is to bee mifliked that bath an example ofany good men praaifing the like:but they confider not that fome things may grow on the flips that fpring from the roote, and not all on the fience that is ingrafted. It is a note of a man that is truely religious to increafe in grace and vnderflanding. It appeareth that they liue b7 their mcate, and haue good digeflion of it, when theygrow in fla- tore, (length, and flomaeke. Sowas it Paid in the firft Chap- ter