Frowns, Ch4b,9 Persil". 33 which he is inworfe (late then a beat hisglory and exeellen cie confifteth in it, and all his profit and comfort proceedcth from it. First, God himfelfe cloth vfually in his word call all vnre- Rcafons. generate men fooles, efpecially euery where in this booke,& `Dent. 3z. 28. 29. now he feeth all things as they be, andnot as they feerne to be : and forefeeth all euents that (hall fa!1 out heereafter,and thereforehis teflimonie is to be receiued. Secondly, Wifedome is a flreame that floweth onely from the word, and that to them that make confcience, and not a bareprofefsion ofit. Sohee fpeaketh by the Prophet concer- ninghippocrites : Loe they haue reietled the word oftheL6rd, etndwhat srifedome is there in them. Ier.8. 9. Many infallible fruites of the fpirit be inclofed in it and if- ftie from it, and are euermore in company with it, ac puritie, gentlenes,readines to be in treated, mercie and fulneílrof good fruites,finceritie, &c. Themiferable condicionofall irreligious people,whereas 4. euery one is happy that is wife. Inftrufion,that ifwe would haue the eflimation, comfort, Vfc dire6tion, fuccefle, or any benefite of wifedonie, let vs not la- bour for a polliticke head,but a holy and fan1ifiedhart:not fo much for learning and abilitie todicourfe anddifputeofpoints ofreligion,as for faith tobeleeueaand a goodconference toper- formeobedience. Deut.4..6. Confutation of them that efteeme all tobee wife that goc 2 beyond others in wit :and them efpecially that compilegreat liuings and wealth : was not Achitophell more wittic then any i and did he not yet play the foolemore then all ? hath not Sa- than more fubtilty and cunning then all the men in the world? and yet the moil foohth creature to works his owne woe that 'euer Godmade in the world.TheScripture calleth him a prin- cipallitie and a power and fpeakethof his craft, but no where iueth him the teftimonie of wifedoc. And to them that know how tofeather their netts and increafe their flate.The rit hman in thegofpell may be a prefident : he could get, and facie and keeps, and thrice as long, as hee liucd andyet God tuke,ta,se. call`d