Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

.1.16, 1 1DoEt. t. accgiucs aintenance r this lifeas ell as for e- knoll life, .'etor and all which dye young, fhould dye wickedand damned:bust that Godhath the keeping of their hues in fuchgood fafetie as theti {hall neuer be taken away before due feafon : they (hall not die fo (bone as that it would be better for them to hue lon- ger : nor hue fo long as that it might be hurtful! that they di- ed not fooner.This point loth Elip:sa, truely expound to lob, and all other righteous perlons /ob. j-.2. 6. Thoufhalt roe to thy graue in a full age ass a crop ofcome commeth in due feafon into the barne.Now all graine is not of equall proportionofgrouth: forne is fowen before others, and yet is cut downe after them: Ionic is fowen after others, and commeth to maturitiebeeoore them : fo that good husbands difpofe not oftheir haruetl by meafure of time, but by the ripeneffe oftheir corne: and two extremities they prouidently auoide : neither too hafly to inne the fruits oftheir fields or trees,for fo theywould wither away: neither to defer the gathering of them after theybee ripe, for fo they would dropoff,and fhedde, and grow to rottenneile. Afterwards he declareth the recompence ofwifedome inge- nerall : that the poffefsion and praEtife thereof is not onely a feruice toGod,nor alone for his fake fo often required : but re- doundeth alfa to the profit ofthem that beeowners and per. farmers of it. And to this is oppofed the contrary {lateof thofe peruerfe and wilfull fcorners, that howfoeuer their del-ire and purpofe is to doe mifchiefe to others4 yet all their malice rc- turneth on their owne heads. Thy dayes'hall be multiplyed, &c. Wifedome and grace doe not onelyprocureour life to bee euerlafling in heauen, but of goodand fufftcient continuance inearth. So is fhe faid to come like a liberal! and bountiful! Lady.Chap.3 . i 6. which brought her hands full to bellow vpon her friends : length of daies be- ing in her right hand,and in her left hand riches and glory:be- caufe life it felfe is more precious then wealth and aduance- ment which depend vpon it, and are but ornamentsof it,there- fore the bringeth the continuance of thatin her right hand, as a gift ofgreater value : and the other in the left as inferiour to it, but all veryexcellent comming out of thofe glorious hands. FirL1