Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

i rouerWs..,JaC.7. , Lr,T 2{1, Firf},that prouidence and power of God doth protect vs Rearm. from all the culls that might befall vs ; as wee vfe to deale in our gardens and orchards, plucking vp the nettle andweedes and preferuing the good hearbes : rooting out the bryars and brambles and nourifhing thefruitfull trees. Secondly, his angels have a charge to kcepe vs, by whole 2 mini[trie our life is defended. 'Pf1,9 i i o. i I. Thirdly, the fcareof GodBoth make the heart good, and a good heart is made cheerefûll, and a cheerefull heart procu- reth good health,and good health prolongeth the l fe. Fourthly, a good man will feeke to Godbyprayers,in the goodelateofhis body to haue it continued,in weakenefle and infirmities to bee cured : and this will they doe ordinarily as E ckiar did in a cafeextraordinary, alwayes reigning them- felues to his will. Frftly,a godly man will bee truf}y to himfelfe in the keep- 5 ingofhis owne body,auoyding furfetings,and diftempers,and difòrders, wherebywicked men doe weaken themfelues, and will confionably vfe all fit meanes ofcomfort,health & fafetie. Confutation, of them that thinke the feruices ofwifdome vfe. to bee the greatefl meanes to shorten mens daies. They will kill themfelues (fay they) by faf}ing,and praying, and mufing, and reading, and running to Sermons: but thus tocomplaine, is indire1ly to blafphcme God; either with imputationofvn- faithfulnefre towards them that feeke him, or with iu,poten- tie, and defect of power : for they inferre that Nee winded' them into daunger by promife offafetie, or that the repaire ofthe foule, null needes bee the ruine of the body,and fo he cannot Neale theonepart ofman,without hurting of theother. lnftru£tion to take this holy receipt, which is a medicine 2. forall difeafes,and a remedie,toprcuent all kinde ofmifchicfcs. No Phificke fo forcible or healeth, nor plentie fo fufficient again(} want, nor any multitude ofmen, and munition is fo able to defend vs from violence. Confolation, to them that haue a good confcienee that 3' they alwaies euery where haue their fafetie with them,becaufe they carry grace in their harts, and God carrycth them in his Edi. hands.