Doei, z. nely Chri.. sans are od huf- nds. cafotis.r. 1 ;!ZS.z: r er s. 499.9. ter:. halides. That is true of envy. faithfull feruant ofGod, that bi aii did f erike concerning David: that their foule is bound in the biundell of life with God, it lyeth not loófe, and fcattered for enimies to finde, and take vp, or tread vpon at their pleafure : but it is in Gods ownecuf}odie, and boundvp, that it (hall neither drop downe, nor bee wrefled from him. Hee will defend them in warre,and feedc them in dearth, and prcferue them in peflilence,and death (hall neuer come before they may cómfortablic bid it welcome. Iob. iy. 20. I,fthus bee wife,ci c. Ofall men Chriífians bee moli prod uident to procure their ownegoodprofperitie.That tefimony is given of them by the Lord himfelfè. Chapter 3. 13. t,g,, Teed is the man thatfiindeth Wi(edome, and the man that get. tech Ilnderffanding. For the marchandife thereof is better than the marchandife offilaser,and thegaine thereofis better thangold. They that obtaine not onely the knowledgeofwifedome but the found and fure pofhefsion thereof, which is meant by find. ing,are all in a bleffed Efate, not deflitute of any happineffe. The marchants which trafficke with the Indians forgold,and pearles, and precious Dones, make not their commoditie,-in any proportion comparable to theirs that deale with the god of heauen for the graces ofhis fpirit, Firf}, in refpcet ofoutward flate they are in good cafe,the blefsing ofGod neuer fayling to minif}ervnto them all good things, in fitteD feafon, in meetef manner, and°roofl comppe- tent,and conuenient meafure.They haue euery thing'that they neede, and enioy the vie ofeuery thing that they haue. God bleffeth their labours that thereby they get fub.f1ance: God bleffeth their fubt}ance that thereby they are nourifhed by them; God bleiThth their nourifhment,that there-withall they haue ioy andcomfort ; and ifat any time they fall intoofitti. ons they haue fupportation in them, deliuerance from them, andbenefit by them. All fickne% (hall bewholefome to them, all dif races for their honour;all lofies for their gainetall dane ger for their :fafetieall; troubles for their peace and quiemeffe, Secondly, in refpcft ofthe Dateof theirfoules,the bided. .ueffewherof,confiilethin rightcourt cffe; and that dothyceld filch