Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Primer''!. cmap,9, reicrs fuch a benefit which as the Apoflle doth truely teftifie, doth farre furpaflè the capacitie of all fence and humane reafon, whichwill appeare,firfl,if we coníder,the mifery out ofwhich they haue efcaped : they were theenemies of God,and are re- conciled to him : they were molt deepely in debt, and are dif- c.hargediof it : they were bond men, and aremade free : they were condemned,and are pardoned : they were dead in finnes and trelpaffes, and are quicknedto euerlaílinglife. Secondly, ifwe refpet9 the giftes that Godvouchfafeth them : their na- ture is healed,theirfoules are fanctified,theyhaue a freeacceiTe to God, the holy Ghoft is in them, Iefus Chrilt is bellowed upon them : all his merits, and all his graces, and all his pre- rogatiues are communicated veto them. Thirdly,the fruite of their wifedome is apparant at their death : for then doth their faith, and faithful' behauiour (land to them, and virile their hearts,and animats themwithhope againfl the temptations of Sathan,and feare ofheil,anddamnation, and all kindes of def- peration, ifit bee true that a good confcience is a continual) Prou.i3 rsó feat}, then efpecially is it moil forcible and comfortable at that time. Fourthly, the full and perfeft reward ofit !hall bee rendred vnto them in the life to come, and chiefely at the laic day, in the pretence ofGod, andmen, and Angels, cleft and reprobate, and eucryparticular ofeuery fort, who (hall h care their praifes,andfee their glorious aduancement. Confutation of them, that efteeme mortified Chriflians of Vie, all other creatures to bemoll fillie,and voideof prudencie,and moft careleire, and voide of all forecaflfor their affaires. Se- condly, Ofthem that thinkeall the precepts, and doftrines of obedience are onely for the exercife of the tninillers authori4 tie,andnothingfor the furtherance of thepeoples commodirie, fo theycall it,'Pfä1.2, 3. Let vs breake their bonds,andcal their cordesfrom vs. As whowould fay, it is an itnprifonment, and ñtieuousrellraint,to bevnder Chrift &his miniflrie.Wher-eas f}ruaion is for his vie that loth receiue it, and not forhis will,that doth deliuer it It is not a packe or burthen laid vp honhis Ihoulders toCarrie for others a butas moneyput into is purfe tovfc for himfelfe, Liftru ti'