3 4i ofd. ;,, ewicked an kath no i `I! e likehim. e, eafon, ro erg . '49.'er.t2. Inf{ru(ion to take greateff paines in husbanding thehart,. to labour moll for the crop ofgrace, and to be molt diligent in doing of good. Corne, and cattell, and money, andother wealth may be gottenfir other men : and happely for oure- nemies : but the holy leffons that we confcionably learne,the gratious fpeaches that we feafonably vtter, and all the good workes that we direly performe,are treatured vp in heaueu for our owne foules. Confolation againfl the manifold diícouragetnents which might weaken the hearts of fuck as be poll-el-led with this Wit. dome. They are railedvpon by tome to be hurtfull men:thev are iefled at by others to be foolifh men,they are threatned, they are perfecuted,and eueryway iniurioufly dealt with : yet let none of there things driuc them from their wifedome, and make them turne fooles, to caufe them to kaue offriendfhip with themfelues,and to forfake their owne gaine.lt is morebe- neficiall for them tobe godly,then it can be hurtfull to be mo- lelled. A flight of fnow, or (bower of raine,or flafh of light- ning, or clap of thunder, cannot compel! a thriftie farmer to difclaime his good ground,and furceafe his husbandrie. !f thou be afcorner, 6-e. Thewickedbee moll their owne foes, which poynt this holy wifedome confil meth in the for- mer Chapter ver. 3 ; . Hee that finned') againji awe harrteth his ornefoule,and all that hate me lease death. In all the attempts, and proceedings againfl good men, wifedome it felfe is (mit- tenat, for their quarrel! is againfl the feruants for themiflrilfe fake : but they onely finneagainfl it, but candoe no hurt vnto it : for that redoundeth wholy vpon themfelues. And though they be Ali for themfclues,and carried flronalywith feife loue in affefìion,yet they doe the worke ofmortal' hatred,and be- come their ownedeadly foes ineffea. The reafonswhichwere alledged for the former point,will alto make this manifell by the contrary. For as wife men and fcorncrs ferue contrary maiflets, and haue contrary harts,and behauiours : fo there is alto a contrarietie ofcondicion,and of euery thing that beefalleth vnto them. Whatfoeuer miferies therefore thofe other efcaped, thcfe shall furely fall into : and what-