rvuerbs.chap.9.rer.t3. 3 f whatfoeuer happinefI'e theother attained vnto for body,foule, f}ate,orname,in life, at death,departed, heere, and at the refur- reFtion,thefe (hall be depriued of them. Terrour for finfull men which feeme to bee in f ifetie and very good cafe hauing yet fiuffered nothing but hardneffeof heart and the povfon of finne working in their fouler, which they leaf}ofall doe feele, they mutt fuffer alfo the paine of finne, as well as the pleafu:e, and whoknoweth how foone, and fodainely it will come vpon them. But in the meane time they plague fuch as fet againi} them and purfue them that got about to crofre their courfes, and this they glory in, as a mat- terofgreat contentment. But heerein they make others hap- pie,and thLmfelues miferable,they procure the blefsingofGod vpon themwhom they maligne as enemies, and bring the curie vpon their owne foules andbodies. But yet they preuaile further in their;purpofes by feare,or flattery,by company,coun- fell,or conf}raint,they draw men into finne, and this they take to be a vi&ory, and now others be in as badcafe as they, and if things fall out to be amiffe with them, they thall haue com- pany in forrow : but this will be not cafe of their burden for that (hall lyewholy vpon thcmfelues. They that fuffer theme felues to be (educed by them, (hall likewife fuffer punilhment with them, but not detract any from theirs, but adde much more vnto it according as the cafe f}andeth with Sathan, eAfoolíj7' =limn t alwaies tabling, Jheeù ignorant, andknoreth nothing. Thus much bath beene fpoken of Wifdomes wholefome banquet, which the louer to that end propofed,that wemight bee allured vnto it. Now followeth thefeat} of Follie, which Thee maketh to that cnd that thee may poifon herguefls,and God difcouereth for this purpofe that wee might auoide it. And heere, as alto in that which followeth, thee is defcribed by her qualities and behauiour,carrying the right f}ampe,and print of an harlot. One thing is that thee is giuen to much talke to make annoifewhichwas thenote ofthe whorifh wo- man, Vfe.r> Verfe.t3: -r