Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

man. Chap. 7. i i . Themeaning heere is,that finfulneffe and Sathanby the mouthcs offinfull perfons, doe pretend manie reafons to itiftifie any wicked caufe,and vfe cunning perfwafi. ons to drawmen thereunto, as the vnchaf} woman doth flow with intifing fpeaches. And thouigh file haue a lauifh tongue, yet weknowledge, according as wee vfe to fay,that none is fo bold,as blinde Bayard. The drift is that the factors forFollie fich as labour topromote finne,be vtterly defiitute of facing vnd:,rfsanding, which was called before the knowledge of holy men. 130& .t, Shceir babling, &c. It is no fire note of a good caufe to any words bee fet foorth with many words. Hananiah rnaintayned his lakenct a caufe more f}ifly than leremie, for beeafier a fort gaue place atrcrgood. to the others confidentaffeuerations :'but Ieremie maintayned his caufe more truely than Hananiah, for God and experience confirmed his teflimonie. Icr.z8. Zidk, ih and his compani- ons the f.ilfe Prophets were more violent in giuing incourage- ment to. Ahab for his voyage tò Rarnoth Gili :d : but (Alli- chaiay was more faithfull in difwading him from it. r .Reg. zz. t.eafons. r. F iríf, wickedneffe hash many tongues tofpeake byatl vn- regeneratemen being ready to plead for it. 2 Secondly, Sathan doth sharpen mens wits, and fine their tongues, and euery way afi( them, that fland in defences of his calif-es, and kingdome. 3 Thirdly, all vngodly men by their owne difpofition are earneflly affeCIed tofolly, and 1 ewdeneffe,being as their right hand, and deareR member oftheir body, and therefore wilt fpeake in the behalfe thereof,asif the cafe didnearcly concern .their owneof}ate. Fourthly, all thearguments, that are brought for any bad caufe, are light and vtterly voide of force, and therefore that which faileth in qualitie, they will fill vp in quantitie, and for fupply the want ofweight by multitude ofwords. Fiftly, fucceffe Both much animate folly,andher adherents to fpeake much :for be thematter neuer fo vniult,and faife:be the reafons neuer fo flight, and flender : bee the perfon neuer fo bale and abie t : yet ifa firmer Rand- vp for finne,all fnfull ten