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a1CMG/ W.vIll/ry.r .aJ J7 men etiety where will givehim allowance. Admonition that we neuer conclude the equitie ofa caufe Vie is by the number ofwoordes, as though the forceof the matter flood in the violence offpeech, and áll were weake that ey- ther wanted flrong breath for it,or elfe had vehement oppo- fition again(' it. The multitude ofallegations is ofno value, where fount nelTe is wanting in the points a11e 'dged.And it is vlúall that innocent perfons bee lead forward to ipeake, and fetch as be f.:ulae be feldome giuen to fcilence. When (_iLcyjcs came to take vp the matter betweene the two lfraelites,he that was moll lewde, was molt lowde, theoffendour that did the wronge,was moll readie to complaine ofwrong off: ed. whet wilt thou kill me, as thou diJf the E:uptian?Azl.7. z7.2 7. Confutationof them that iufhfie Popery,and the corrupti- ons . of it by this, that many take part with it. Much is laid for it,greàtcommendation is giuen ofit. All this is true, it is much praifed,but onely by the foolb1h babling woman : they arc full of fpeech,and frequent in writin_r,and yet doe nothingelfe,but force out froth, and falfehoode. ifmultitude, or cries ofcom- mendationswere fufEcient to credit a caufe,and cleare it. `Dia- na,were a glorious goddeffe,fo highly magnified,by the gene- tall applaufe of the Ephefians.eAi.r9.28. Secondly, offuch as taken for an inuincible te(limonicagainf} the Gofpell, and. the firicere profs (forsof it, that they be fo much blamed, and fo many profef{'e their diflike of them. So they dealt with Ie- rernie, thoughhe neither bought, nor fould with them,nor of fred any colour of iniurie to them, yet euery man fpake euill ofhim. Icr. i;. i o.So Chriflianitie in `Pilules timewas coun- ted afeì, and. every where fpoken againfl. And fo our Saui- our himfelfe had the fentence of death inforted vponhim by the violent cry of the people.. Ignorant, &c. So farre as any man giveth himfelfe to be ati Do&.2. agent for fnne,fo farre he bewrayeth his owne ignorance. All Follies frie, deceiuers and euill men arefrfl deceived. 2. Tirn.3. 13. The Aremoí}foc Diueil firíi catcheth one, and maketh him a baize to take an other,as it fell out in the ouerthrow ofour firfl parents. Fit fl, manyofthçm haue. their mindes darkened with want Rearms. F. cif