Vfe. Verfe.i44 of knowledge that they cannot difcernc betwixt light, ana darknefIe, truth, and falfehood, - Secondly, all the reft haue their hearts blindfolded with tvilfulneffe, that they will not vnderf}and. For ifthey know thewill ofGod, and the meaning ofhis word, they diicerne not ofhis nature that he is offended with euery thingwhich is contrary to his word. Or if they apprehend that,and conceiue it to bee fo : yet they thinks him remifhe, that hec will not fo feu erelypunith them that offendhim.Or ifthey haue notfuch an erroneous opinion ofhis dealing towards all,yet they hope for indulgence to themtelues,that he will tail offfome part of his iuflice to difpenfe with them howfoeuer the cafe flandeth withothers. Desst.29.19, Reproofeof their folly that feeke to gather the praife of knowledge out ofthe pra wife of ignoraunce, that contradif}, and difgraceall found points of fanetification. Ofwhich fort allo are theythat trouble the Churchby fetting abroad' new, fruitlelfe, fantaflicall, and pernicious opinions, or reuiuing thofe that haue beene formerlyfuppre%d : ormanaging thofe that be prefently in queflion. Thefe men beguile themfelues and beguile the world with a thew of learning, but God and good men doe deems it want of learning. For fo the Apof}le tefhfieth. Ifany man teach otherrrife, and confenteth not to the wholefome words of our Lord Iefus Chrß, and to the dolrine which is according togodline f fe,he Ie puft vpand&nowetb nothing. r.Tim. 6.3. Theirskill,andreadineffe in this cafe to crofhethe truth,proueth not a fpirituall growth,but a flefhiy grofeneffe, they arenot filledwith grace, but fwolne with carnall concei® tedneffe. Sheefitteth at the doore o fher hottfe onafeate in thehi, places ofthe Citie. Pee continueth fill the allegorie,refembling wickcdnefre to anharlot, whofepropertic is to beabroad in the f}reetcs to meetewith companions,&to intifeman to (oilyby her lookes andbechauiour, which Lime loth alfo by her fubtilties to fe. duce