Yrou'r's. chap.9. Ver,14. 35 duce mens &oules. Andyet Thee goeth not as in ordinarie {trumpet, or vagabond, but taketh fatevpon her like a cour. titan. Shee fitteth on a feate in the fireete, which was wont to bee a figneof honour. rob, 29.7. And the word fignifieth a throne, or chaire of &ate, which were for Princes or princi- pall perfons. On a feate, &c. Great men without grace bee as much tub- Don. iec to finne and folly as pooremen.Thefcripture confirmeth Greatmen re this when it com areth fuch kindeof erfons to viler crea- Qratiousmay cures. `7'fal. 49.20. Man in honour which vnderfiandeth not z ane as tinfoil li1Ze to bea /es that perifh.Hedifpraífethnot all menof honour: Y for whenwifedome and dignitiemeere together, the one is art ornament to the other : but thofe that bee deftitute ofvnder- f}anding, hce matcheth not with commonmen or vileft peo- ple, but maketh equall to the batch kinde of brutith beaftes. Fit ft, they haue the fame roote, and fountaine of corrup- Reafons.r:. tionwhich is in all other men. Secondly, they haue more allurements to induce them vn- 2 to euill than other men haue : their great aboundance todi aw themon to voluptuoufneffe : their might andpower to imbol- den them to opprefsion : their high degree, with the charmes and inchauntments offlatterers to make them high minded, and to kcepe them from all humiliation,and repentance. Thirdly, Sathan doth in a fpeciall manner feeke to make a pray of them. For they bring whole flockes and flightsof ca- ther into the net with them. Some they leade with counfell and companie,and fome they driue by force,and violence,and their example, and countenancedoth bring fòmeinto credite, whereby it is made exceeding infeaious. In all which refpe6ts it was raid of7ehoboaan the fonne of Nebat, that hee made Ifraell to finne. Inftru1ion to fuch as bee in eminent places,and are great V1 . ¡L. perfonages,that they be as watchful ouer their foules as the vulgar font and meanefl perfons.The affault of the diuell vp- on them is certaine and forcible.Their owne f}rength as fmall, their overthrow as dangerous, and their puni.fhment as griem uotls.And therefore it is not a contemptible workc,& vnancez F,ijt for