ratter s. 4p. 9. 'er.Y4, for their places topray often, to heare the word and exercife all other feruices of religion; vnlefre it be an honourable thing tobee a flaue to Sathan, and fit for their degree to perish. 2 Confutation oftheir opinions,which fo admire the (late of men ofwealth and worfhip, as if euery one that had power, and titles, were neceffarily wife and happy, whereas heere it appeareth that follie doth fo pofrefre many of them that they are wholy tranfformed into her, and inílead ofbeing reputed reuerent,andwifemen,they arecalled by the name of this foo, i(h woman.The like ineffea isfpokenof them .Ecclef.io,7, Thatfollie is fet in great excellencie, and feruants bee riding on horfes, when feruile men whofc hearts bee in bondage to fìnfull lufls,attaine to greatnefre, Does. Z. In the high places,c7c. Affemblies and meetings ofmen be inns and sa- feldome without the companyof finfulneffe, and Sathan. For anfrequent heewill be one in thecongregation ofGod, where they come neat affem- together to pray againfl him,where the Lord f - rikethat him, lies. andwoundeth him with his words and therefore will more boldly come to other afl'emblies, which bee onely for ciuill affaires,and chiefely when they bee for finfull exercifes,asmay appeare by the effeet ofTaal-Peons wake. Num.z9. 'Peafon, r, Firf}, there bee many to works vpon, and therefore grea- ter is the likelihood of fuccefre. 2 Secondly,there is vtterance and vent for many finnes which men vfe not topra1ife alone by themfelues : as [wearing, ly- ing, bragging, fcoflïng, rayling,'flatterie, and all kindeof euill fpeaches, befides many a lions, and geflures which bee pro- per to company. Thirdly,hee bath more helps with him there, thanwhen bee dealeth with one alone in feci et. For they that bee peruer- ted ioyne with him to peruert others, and they which were bad before, arefo made much worfe. it would haue benhard to raife a rebellion againfl Dauid, ifeuery one hadben tingly folicited, before there was any afremblie. t iie x Inf}ru&ion not towalke f}rcets, ixhaunt much con-pa- ny without due caufe, and calling. It is righreous from God that the diuell lhouldplay the m arlhall to take vp themwhich iragglc