-rufferVJ.vrfiy,y.vcr.i) S tingle abroad without any warrant. And that was the caute ,ofDinahs woe, which would needesgoe forth to fee fafhions. Jen.3 4. I Whenour occafions doe iu(lly call vs to fuch places,that we 2 prepare to preuent all perils, let the word of God be in our 'hearts to keepe vs from finne, as wewould take preferuatiues 'for our bodies againfl the peflilence, when the aire is infeEcd. If the Diuell call his fiery darts at vs, let fai;h be ready to quench them : If folly intife vs withguilefull fpeaches,let wit- ,dome fhape her an anfivere,and fend her packing. Tocall them that pap fe by the way, that gar right on ver1e,i . their way. This is the end, and purpofe of herbeingin the fireetes to doe mifchiefe there : not onely to confirme,andharden fuch as bealready entred into lewd courfes,but to peruert and draw away thole that be inclined to any goodnefl'e. So Toone as any manbeginneth to let himfelfe to feckeGod, Do&. the Diuell, and diuellifh men will bee ready to turne him out The diuel ai of the wa y . So floode the cafewith theCorinthians,Galathi- utter audited f li ans,and fomeother of the Churches,as Toone as euer they im- endryteoaauourgoo s braced the doEbrine ofthe Apoflles,prefently the falfe Apo- files attempted to corrupt them. gal. i .7.&- 3. i. And fo was 'Paulus the proconfilll dealt with : AE. 13.8.Whiles Paul was preaching to him, elima4 was perverting ofhim : whiles the one built,the other battered,and pluEb downe : whiles theone laboured to make him a Chrifflian, the other indeauored to keepe him an infidel!, and vnbeleeuer. Firfl,they bee enemiesto the feat} ofwifedome, maligning Reafons.1 the glory of the Gofpell, and the .profperous fuccefl'e of th. fame. Secondly, they be enemies to the meffengers ofwifedome, 2 thinking that they (hall haue too much loue, and reuerenee yeelded to them, ifmen receiue comfort, and profit by their txiniibric. Galat. 4. 17. Thirdly, they bee enemies tomankinde, as touching the 3 F.iij. foule, IMINIMErimer