foule, repining that any man should bee in abetter (late theta themfelues (though themfelues refufe to be in a good flate)ac- cording to the difpofition of their old father, whofor the fame caufe fo footle fupplanted our fir(i parents 4damand Eue. Fourthly, they feele fome preiudice to themfelues, by the departure ofmen from the feruice of Sathan : they want their wonted companions, to ioyne with them in theirwicked prac- tiles : befides the blernifh that cleaueth to them for vices, by xneanes ofthe credit that accreweth to others. by their venue,. andgoodneffe. Inftruaion, how to carry our felues toward fifth as bec nouices in religion, as we come too !fort of Chrittian loue, if webe toofufpicious& ouermuch miftruf}full oftheir procee- ding : fo wee goe beyond the bounds ofgodly difcreation, if we be too confidentofthem,and fo expofe o ir(clues topet ill. Secondly, to lay a good foundation, and to let on furely, whenwe enter the profefsion ofChriflianitie,that our ground work taue not in the time of triall.Mat.7.z4. &c.For certaine it is,that the diuell by temptations,and our aduerfaries by op. pofitionswill makemanifefU what fn-menef 'e,& foundneffe is rn euery one.Either they will Satanically afláult vs with car- nallperfwafions,or elle wefhall bee terrifiedwith cornminiti- ons,and threatnings,or elle wee (hall bee derided with fcoffes, and reproches,or we (hall be traducedwith falle imputations: or we (hall bedifquieted with wrongefull moleflations. Thirdly, that we Ihouldbe as induf}rious to lead men in the right way, as they be to call themout : and to help themout of the flaresof the Diuell, as they be tohold them in.For that is their finne,which they are forbiden to pratife, this is our du- tiewhichwe are commanded to performe.Theirs is falfehood, and cruelty tending to hurt,and mifchiefe:ours is fa.ithfulncffe and mercie for good, and great profit. They be the vafrals of Sathan,and inf}ruments ofhis matlice: wee bee the feruants of Chrif},andmefengcrs ofhis graces : all the euill,that they do £hall be punnedwith their confufion, all the good that we do taall be rewardedwith glory. Danz2.3.