Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

1'retaer_s.0 dfl.ó.tter.rg. Whofo is fimple, let him come hither, andwhofoeuer is voide ofwsderfianding to himArefpeake,th. Whofo isPimple, &rc.That is, which being ignorant difcer- rtethnot his blindne%, but bath conceit of wifedonle, and knowledge. Let him come hither, &c. To the company, counfell, and pratîife ofFolly. And tohim that is deflitute of vnderi1and- mg, íhee fpeaketh,viz, that haueno knowledge oftheir owue, nor be willing to goe to wifedomes houle to get any. Ignorant perfons that regard not knowledge are the fttefi pray for deceiuers. Ephe.4.i4. The Apoftle in the Epifile to theEphefians perfwading them to knowledge, theweth the great neede thereof; That wee henceforth bee no more children, waueringg, and carryedabout with emery windeofdotlrine,by the deceit, or dice ofmen. Wherein hee declareth the dangerous cafe of fuch as want vnderflanding by two funilitudes : one comparing them to little children, and the falle teachei s to craftie gamflers, that vfe to cogge at dice, who can eafi ly be. guile ayoung boy, and firippehimofall that bee played) for, though his whole inheritance lye vpon the game. The other comparing them to (hips, that neither haue anchor to holde then, nor Berne, andpilote toguide them, and therefore the tides,& tempefis doedriue them emery waywithout refiflance. Firfi, they are already taken by the diueil, and bec in his power,and therefore as vnable to cfcape the fnaresof his fou. lers, as the birds that lie fluttering in the net. z. Tim. z.z6. Secondly, they are altogether dcflitutc of all iudgement, nothing difcerning truth fromerrour, light from darkcnefíé, fafetie from perill, and therefore may bee made to belecue e- very thing. Thirdly, their hearts and afa ions bee corrupted, and therefore corrupt counfell will the morepreuaile with them,& corrupt conuerfation be themore pleafing to them.eph.4. t 8. Confutation of them that difwade men from Peeking of knowledge, becautfc there bee fo many reducers that goe a- -__ bout Verfe, ü; DQ; They areeat milled that loue not to 'carne. Reafuns, 2 Vfcs