Verre, s7. . liens, . a bout to deceiue. It is dangerous dealing with fcriptures (fay they ).wee knownot well whom to truly, the world is fo full, ofdiffemblers, and therefore wee will neither heare, nor be- leeue any Preacher of them all. But they will heave and be. ieeue lefuits, and fetninaries, and popith peifons that intice .them to idolatrie and dtfloyaltie : they will heare and beleeue gamef}ers, and fiithie fellowes that will leade them to lull, lewdeneffe, riot, and vnthriftinefle : they will heare and bee- leeue fucb as will fill their Bares with falfe report,,andpoyfn their harts with malice, couetoufneflè,, craft, and crueltie. As. though there were no iufeìious peop'e.but mi:-:iflers; nope, rill of contagion, but at fermons; none fubieít to bee mifelcd, but fuck as vfe the belt meanes to know the right way. But confider the force oftheir refon whereby they would induce men toperfit in their blindues:there be many flips,and much cóunterfait mettall,and therefore no vfe ofa touchf}one:there is poyfon prepared for vs, and therefore beware ofpi eferua- tiues : our enemies come aimed againf} vs, and thereforelet vs call away our weapons : their purpofe is to fir prife vs in the darke,and therefore put out at any hated all the light. What is it but wifedome that Both finable vs to try all things, and to hold that which is good ? what is it but knowledge that doth difcrie the venonie of all pef}iferous, and peflilent opinions ? what is it but vnderf}anding that doth difcouer the dangerous. occurrents that will infue upon pernicious counfell ?For other vies of this poynt; fee v rfe z o, Dot1.2. Stollen waters arefweete,and hidbread ispléafant. Thisverfe containeth an client that followeth their yeddin to follies allurements, that at the firf} they finde delightan& pleafure,and great contentr:tion in their intertainement, Hee alludeth, as it fecmeth, to the diforders 'that are wont to be inharlots houfes,wherein at the meeting ofcompanions. they vfe to haue a feaf},and all theprouifion is offlollen íluffe. lyther feruants flitch from their maf}ers, or otherwife they fteale: from their neighbours,: henries, and geefe, and. duckes,. and