Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

rûUer I fa 10.0. Vera T / and confies, and venifon, and fuch things as they can come by : which is called hid food, becaufe as they cannot iuílific it, to they dare not let it be feene, but dreffe it couertiy, and cate it fecretly in the middeff of the night,in the moll inward and clofeff rome of the whole houfe.Andwhatfocuer is fogotten, and there made ready is very delicious vnto them, though it were but bread and tvater. Thofe things that bee mol} vnlawfull doe bell fatisfie the Doi}. humors of vnregeneratemcn.Though wifedome makea tear! Things the of meates that be daintie and wholefome, and prepare fpiced moievnlav cups, with wine that is fweete and delicate, yet theebath few lute, thebet guelIs that will vifite her table:but let folly prouide only bread like of bay and watcr(which they muff altoeat in a corne.r,and hide their heads Jike malefaCtours) and axe fhall haue great flore that will flocke to herhoufe, and accept of their cheare with very good liking, in this fence it is laid Chap. eo. 17. that the bread ofdeceit is rweete to a man.Thevnrighteous trade and courfe of getting is to many a kinde of lance to procure a relit]] to their poifefsions. They eifeeme every thing to bee fo much, the more worth, if a craftie head, a violent hand, a guileful! tongue, or any fi audulent meanes bath brought it vnto them. The farne proportion bolded' in all other cafes. Howmany bee carried with brutifh lulls and affections to ftrange flefh, that haue nothing in them of beau tie, and in the meane time loath their owne wines which bee well fauoured, perfonable, and comely : and who almof taketh delight in any recreati- onwhich is neither vnfeafonable in refpefof the time,nor yet vnwarrantable in regard of the manner, yet it is altogether too frefh and vnfluery for their tafle,vnlelíe the Diuell pow- der it with fame enormious abufes. Andhence it proceeded', for that all which is fleflily and Reams. moil contrary to the fpirit ofGod, is alwaies acceptable to them that be flefhly,and moil agreeable to the corrupt nature of man. And fo faith the Apoffle `Rcnm.8. S. They that are after the flefh, favour of the things of the fleffl. And it falleth out in this cafe, as it doth in the infirmities of the body,euery ma- lathe loth dcfìre that which will feede and maintains it, as it G. is