Vfe. r. rV'erfe,a, 42 Proffer f. C Vert is to be feene in cholcricke perfons, and teach as be inclining to the dropfie;the one fort bet} meate that increafeth cho- ler, the other thirftng í1i11 after drinke whereby the dropfie is nourifhed. Confutation of Popery, that hash dillies for euery carnali mans diet, the whole body of it tending to fen[aalitie. Euery fence is thereby fed with flethly delights, infoinuch as any in. fidell may be greatly refrefhed therewith, and yet not led one ftep nearer to faluation, And as it is for euery mans turne, rea- die to fatisfie their carnali humors, fo menbe oftheir owne ac- cord, veryftrongly and vehemently of eCled to it. It is as na- turall for them to be fùperflitious,as it is for netles,and thiftles, and other weedes to grow without lowing or fetting.And this is the caufc why men bee fo hardly reclaimed from it, and fo eafily vpon weake reafons ready to reuoult back vnto it. Inílru1ion that the fpirituall delights ofthe word,doe re- pel( the carnal( lufts of the world,and the comforts ofheauen- ly things doe fwallow vp the pleafiires ofall earthly vanities. For vnleffe our hearts bee well fenced againfl them by grace, theywill returne to their natiue home, and take pofefsionof their ancient habitation. Thirdly, Conlolation to them that diftruft thefe flernly delights which be fo pleating toother mens appetites,it argu- eth that they haueBeene well fed at wifedomes feat}, and that is the caufewhy their ftomackes can no better difgeft the vo- luptuous metres offolly, it is a cleare cafe that no man can loath the inchanted rneatc that Sathan and finne haue dreflèd, but fuch as haue been nourifhed by the bread oflife which le- fus Chrifl himlelfe hath prepared. Tut hoe knozreth not thatthe deadare there,and that her guefis are in thedeepe of fhell. Heere followeth another client infuing vpon the former,that as they had plcafure at the firf}, fo they mull haue paine at the lau : as their intertainment waswith delight, fo fhall their reckoningbe withdcflru4lion.jt is faid,he knorietk not: that is, euery