r7viui u,. t, rJc7.y. r .,. $L S ëuery oneofthem that bee traftable to her call haue the pe- ril] of their (late hid from their eyes. That the dead are there, &c. That ail that give themfelues to filch conrfes are fit-angers from the life of God, and in the power of the firs death; and in the depth ofheld, that is,are as certaine to bee damned in the world to come ( vnlef%God giue them repentance) as if they were already in hell fire. According as euery finne is moredelightfull, fo is it more Doti. dangerous and deceitfill. The fweet meates of wickedneflè Sin the mor will haue the fowre fauce ofwretchednefre and mifery.Sinne- tutorie the fulnerkwilbe the bane of tranfgreflîors, as the harlot is coin- ous. nygernic tnonlyofadulterers.It is theholy prouerbeofGod,that when the bread oFdeceit is sweet to the tall, it turneth to grit, and grauell,to the torment of the teeth. Chap.2 0.17. Firfi, as it appeareth heere, men be willingly ignorant of Reafons, the euills to come,when their delires be latisfied for the pre- lent. Which thing our Sauiourdoth alto intimate by the ex- ample of the old world : when once they gaue otter them- 14at.i4.39. (clues toprofit,andpleafure : asfeafling,and maryina,&plan- ting,and building,and trafraquing : they knewnothing till the flood came, though Noah had foretold them abone anhun- dredyeares together. Secondly, when theybe poflefl with the delights offinne, 2 they are with much difficultie brought to kaue them. As Zo- phar fheweth. lob.zo.i z. &'c. that when wickednefí'e is fweet in their mouches, they will favour it, and not forfake it till it turne to a poyfon in their bowells. Thirdly, in refpehof the prefent condition of voluptuous 3 perlonswhich ]sue inpleafure, that they are dead whiles they liue.i.Tim.s.6.They are fenfible carkefes,&breathing carrt- ons. For though they haue a reafonable foule which maketh them tobee men, yet they want the fpirit ofgrace which ma- keth them tobe Chriflians. Fourthly, in regard of their futuremifery, for which Saint lames wifbeth them to weepe,and bowie and make all kinde of lamentation.For howfoeuer all reprobates that! be dam- ned, yet they !hail fink to the bottome of terrors and tor- ments r1rs0r--