1 O V E RT3 S. Chl I, as ready to iudge thee as thou doer! them, and few to !hew corpallion on thee, as thou lbewef$ none to others . And therefore that equal! precept, and prudent Counfell of the Gal.b,t, Apoftle: Erethren,ifany man by occay on befallen into any fault, yes which are f irituall, refore!itch a one with the fiirit ofmee& ne f je , confidering .thyfelf',left thou 4116 be tempted. Taa.3> TheSonneofD amid,cc Godlyparents and vertuous chil- dren are mutual! ornaments one toanother. When thou rea- de(l that Salomon had (uch a father, thou rnaiel boldly con- clude that he was honorably defcended : and when thou rea- dell thatDauidhad fuch a fc)nne,thou maieG eafily conceiue, that he was happy in that his feeds andfucceirour. Agood roote maketh the branches to flouriflì,by vertue of the hue - ly Lippe that it fendeth vp : and flourifhing branches winne praife to the roots, for the pleafant fruit which they bring ?ro.;7.6. forth. Childrenrchildren are the crowne ofthe Elders, and the glory of childrenare theirFathers. Abraham, Haack, and Ja- cob, are fo renowrned by their relation each to other, in a re- ciprocall manner for parentage, and progenie, that wee fel- dome make mention of one without the remembrance of them all. Iofèph was the ioy and Jewell ofJacob , and Jacob brought honour, and credit to Io,reph, as well by his grauity and wifedome in the pretenceofPharao, at his fir (l comming intoEgypt, as by his laudable behauiour at all times after- wards among the Egyptians, as their dolefull lamentation at his Funerali declared. John the Baptifls father and mother haue teffimonie to be both ofthem is>fi before God,and to walke in all the cornnjanden,ents,andordinances ofthe Lord,with- out reproofe,which the fpirit ofGod Both purpofely record, to iiluf}rate his perfon, and miniftery, by their holy conuer -. fation, and to celebrate their names, and memories by his fhining graces. ,ayoNs I, Firti, this is true, right, and proper nobility for a godly off-fpring to fucceede religious progenitours : For that is a race of Princes, and linageofKings : enemy good man is of theheft faamily,and Gods childe,and euerychilde ofGod par - taket.hof Christ his royall dignity. -_ -:-çC; Secondly),