44 r ter773. Chirp. . ei% ments in hell that haue rifer vp to the topofpleafures,& cur. fed profperitie on earth. ]nf}ruEfion,Firf}, to forefee that which will follow, when baytes are layde,for vs bySathan or wicked men,and accompt the threatnings of God, as certaine as executions : and feare theplagues to follow heereafter, as ifwee were foorthwith to fide them. Secondly,that no example preuaile fo far as to drawvs in- to a wickedway. Confider not what they bee in outward ap- pearance that dwel in follies houfe,but what their flare is pre- fently by Gods tef}imonie,and how they fhal finde it heereaf- ter by their owne experience. Thirdly,that wee illudenot our owne hearts by hoping to shift forone : for neuer any onecould auoid the puni(hment by fhifting.Sinne makethPure work withall her guefls,togiue them their deadly woundat theentrance,fo that deathwaites on folly to take them prefently at her hands,&hell followeth death,to receiue them afterwards at his hands.