45 A Plaine Expofition v . on the tenth Chapter of the Prouerbes ofSalonson, (*-** ) CHAPTER.X. The 'Parables of Salomon : e 4wiféfonne maketha glad Father, but afoolífl9fonne it a heauinejTe to his mother. ,:, -." '" íRABLES. That is, wile and graue fentences written by Salmon, but infpired by the fpirit ofGod, for the imformationoftheminde,and the inilitutionof the life,according to the rules ofWifedome, lu(lice, andPie- tie The other nine Chapters being prefixed as a preface to thefe,contai_ ned a continueddifcourfe,wherein the commendationof Wifedome, and the exhortations to manic good dutieswere profecuted with varietieofarguments : wher- as in thefe that follow, for the moli part, are fet downs briefe fayin,s, euery verfe almof} comprehending a whole point in it felfe, not growing vpon dependanceof that whichwent be- fore, nor minif}ring th'occafionof that which commeth after. Yet fometimes it falleth out otherwife,anddiuers verfes toge- ther haue dependance one with another, as will appeare in fome place of this prefent Chapter. elverfe f nne, that is, a vertuous & towardly fonne or dau hter,mak 'tha ioyfasfifatherD G.iij, or Verfc, r,,.