46 Proueris.0 apao.'era, or mother andafoole, fonne,that is, a finfull and vngratious childe,ù an heauineffe, and griefe to his mother or father : yet it is not without caufe that the mother is rather put in the lat- ter claufe,than;the father :for thatfex is theweaker,&morein- patient of fuck a crate : and vfuallycontemptuous children be bolder to contemne themother then the father,as Chap. i 5 o, foolifh man defpifethhi mother, as Tebeccahwas more trou. bled with efaas then I(aacwas : and very often the mothers by too mach indulgence and fondneiíe, are meanes of their chit. drens vices, and fo it is faid, Achildefet at libertiema1eth his mother afhamed. Chap.-29. z f. Do&. The comfort or forrowofparents ftandeth much in the be- goodfonne baniour of their children. This is euident by the example of aheagiad laccbsfonnes : whereofIofeph a gracious child,,was neuer but acher=her., a refrefhing to him : but Simeon, andR çuben, and Lcuf, and. moil ofthe refl,by their finfull anions did fill himwith griefe and aflliaions : and fohad Dauid experience both waies,be- ing pcirced with forrow on theone fide,by the villanouspiac- tifes &miferable ends ofAbfclonand Ammon:andabounding with ioy on the other fide for the fingular vvifedome ofSa- lornon. Reafoa. Firf ,thefe affalions doe proceede from the loue that god- Jy parents doe bearevnto God,that thinking all too little that is done in his feruices, they haue now helpers mien out of their owne loynes,that will ioyne with them in the fame : andwhen they haue finifhed their courfe and ended their owne daies worke, yet the worke (hall Hill bee continued by their pofle- ritie, We fee in humane of 'aies, that euet y good fubie6t will be glad tobreede vpa forme that will bee fit and able to time his foueraigne : and how can it then but cheerevp theheart and refielh the fpirits of Chriflian fathers or mothers to bane their children the Lords Souldiers,valiantly fighting his bat tailes againfl finne and Sachan, and that in their owne light and pretence ? euery good maller,as was Aÿrahon,will think it a benehte to hauebis feruants tobe the feruants ofthe Lord: and eueryChriftian will gladly heare ofGodlymen, in ano- ther fami1ie, in another towne, in another countric,in another king.