Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

l'roaerís.unap,ro. ver.z. 47 kingdome, and therefore muchmore will religiòus parents be rainedwith ioy to fee with their owne eyes the feare ofGod in their ovine houfes,in their owne children by theblefsing of 1Godvpon their owne gouernement,andprayers:but theycan- not but concciue as great griefe by the finfulneffe of impious children,which wholy call off the yoke of all holy obedience: that difpite him whom theyhonour,and blafpherne that name which they fanaif-re, and reieet that word which their foules doe line by. The Prophets eyes gufhed outwith riuers ofwa- ters becaufe (rangers, and aliants, and euen his very enemies obferu d not the commandements of God:and thereforemuch Pfal,ir9,134 morewould he haue mournedwhen his owne fonnes rebelled again¢} them. Secondly,loue to the peopleof Godwill worke gladneífe, 2 when faithfull men difcerne their children to bee inclining to goodnefre. For they are growing to be fruitfull plants in the Lords orchard, and fomany (hail haue profit by themmany waies, whereas the wicked are as thornes and bryars andnoy- forxre brambles. Thirdly, the happy condition ofgracious and godly chit. 3 dren themfelues doth procure to the parents much confolati- on :for betides their fpirituall promotion and dignitie, being made the tonnesofGod, and kingly heiresof euerlaf}ingglo- ry, the fauour and blefsing ofGod doth vfually appeare to- wards them for the things of this life : when rebellious and wicked children haue the curfeofGod vpon them,doingmif- chiefe and hurt, and receiuing the reward of it, by (nameand infamy,by debts and arearages,by flight and lurking,by bonds and imprifonment, and oftentimes by an ignominious death and dei}ru Lion. Fourthly,wife children yceldmatter ofcomfort to their pa- 4 rents inbeing officiousveto them, and vfing all good behaui. our towards them : for they are moft forward to obay their commandements, they are mot} checrcfull to relecue theirne- cefsities : they are moilfaithfull and prouident topreferue their life, and health, and welfare. In which refpea the Scripture compareth them to arrowcs or any other weapons, whereby then 411111M!MT,M....