Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ow a spati ay bea ioy-- ull father, er a', ,'er. menmaybe defended. `l'fal. z z74. And as they are ref} and ready to performe euery duetiethat is requiredof them,fo will they alío carefully regard their parents dealings towards them: the father giueth counfell, and the forme is direEfcd by it : the father giueth rebuke and the forme treinbleth at it the father giuethcorie1ion, and the Conne doth humbly fubmit.himfelfe vnto it. Now at the Landes ofa foolilh child,what is to be ex- pa-fed, but folly: contempt ofcomntaundcments and coun- íèll : murmuringagain!} admonition and reproofes:rel;dance againft correaion and chaflifements ? iftheir parents bee in wants,they are afhamed of then, and thincke it au intoner-a- ble burthen to bee charged with them : and fo fhortén their dayes by opprobrious and hard vfage : if they' haue wealth, they feeke to make a fpoylcof them : if they be like to kaue them patrimotiie or inheritance, no eneniie loth fo much de- lire their death : if they bee f mple andwant vnderflanding, they eyther vfe contemptuoufly to checke and !nib them, or die to mocke and deride them. If they declare their wifedome and true pietie, they flew their bitterneffe again!} their godly zeal e and fincere profefsion. InftruCfion, Fir!}, to children to take it as a motive to flirre them vp,& provoke them to C:hriflian conueríation,that they Thal minifler comfort to their parents,and pleafitre themfelues, and pleafe the Lord : for all thofe concurre and mette toge- ther in one. The fonnc loth neuer give infl occafionofglad- nefYe to his father, but lice bath a iuft caufe to be glad for his owne fake; becaufe God bath fo feafoned him with grace,and made him acceptable to his fiiends,and vouchfafèd veto him his owne fauour. Whereas on the contrary- fide vhen the pa- rents are much grieued for the childes mifdemeanours, the childought to beemore grieued for his owne wretchedneflc, for he íhall bee moll punìíhed for his rebellion. Secondl>, to parents that for as much as their childrens vice, or d'ertne is their woe or welfare, therefore they doe their bell indeauour to haue their (cede to be vertuous and l.o&y. And he that will doe this, muff lay the foundation of bering a con;fortablefa- ther; becforc lice bee a father, and take the way to bane good. chil-