Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

children, beefore hee haue children : and that is by a due care that himfelfe doe marry in the Lord : that hepropofe fuch an ende, nd vfc fuch proceeding, and match with fuch a wife,as will bring the blefstng of God vpon his houfe and pofleritie. Secondly, if he be defirous that his children should yeeld him the crop of comfort,he mull bellowvpon them the feede of inftruaion, and the tillage ofgood education. Thirdly, great care is to be had for the wife andorderly difpofing of them in marriage, that all the former hopes be not cut off through the negle6t of this dutie : For diuers times good people in this regard arc like to corne that profpereth well inthe blade,but afterwards is eitherblalled or withered in the Bare. Many in- genious and towardly young men and maidens haue beene vtterlyouerthrowneby coupling themfelues to profane yoke- fellowes,and being ingrafted into finfuil families. Reproofe ofthole that take leaft care to get wifedóme for their children, but onely labour to prouide them wealth, and thereby they arc made idle,andproude,and vnthriftie,andpre- pared to wail with riot all that they haue gottenwith careand trauell. A : -dvet they bee far vvorfe and altogether vnworthic of the name offathers,that grieue at the graces ofthe children, and reftraine them from all the meanes whereby they might attaine veto knowledge and wifedome. Confolation to them that be inriched with this treafure of good children, howfoeuer theworld goeth with them in their fiate otherwife.lf theybe wealthy and flored with polfelsions, they haue fuch to leaue them vnto, as are fitted for them, and knowhow to vfe them,a'id are like long to inioy them.Wher- as-many parents doe kaue pottions that are better than the children to whom they arc bcequeathed : and the good crea- tures of God are.put into the hands of vnworthie men, who are therefore vnable long to retaine them.<lfthey be pore and deftituteofother riches,& maintenance,yet the want of things of 1elfe value, is fupplied by that which is ofmore worth, one good child is better then many wedges of gold: and no earth- ly inheritance is fo faire a demaines,as a religious feede, which God loth giue ingoodnefe,and by his owns teflir tonic corn- 11. mendeth á