Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

tie !f 41).1© ere$ tnendeth as a bleCsing that maketh a man to behappy, 714,4 47.3.4. erfc, . The treafiares ofwicIednefJe prefit nothing,but ri hte- exfnef f fe deliuerethfromdeath. The treafures of.wicIedne(e, that is, the greateft abundance of wealth, which is euill gotten,and euill vied, orpoffeflcd by an cuill owner,Profit nothing, doehimnogood at any time,but leaflof all at his death, Orin time ofmifery, for fo it is inten- ded by the Antithefis and expreffed, (hap. t 1.4. Tut rigghte oufnefe, that is,vprightnefl'e ofheart,andholyneffeof behaui- our, deliuerethfrom death, that is, from deflruftion, and all o- ther hurtfull dangers.Yet not by anymerit ofman,butby the tnercie ofGod through leftis Chrifl. at. The riches of iniquitie. Nowicked worldling is any thing ekedmens the better for his wealth which thing the Prophet `Dáuid had ]chdot well confidered of, and therefore confidentlyaffirmeth. Pal. mnogood 39.6. doubtlefl'e (faith hee) Manwalketh byavaine imagehee heapeth vp riches, .& cannot tell whofballgather them.He fpea- kethnot ofa particular, as though fome oneman were fain into that errour, but of the whole body ofmankinde, in that cafe as they are defcended from Adam. Euery man that bath nothing but thenatureofman,doth takea fhewfora fubflance, the image in the glaffeforthe face reprefented by it: the pic- tureof happineffe whichis painted on riches, for true and -fo. lide fe'_icitic:and therefore theymitreof that which theymake xnofl account of, fr theyhaue gathered together goods, and others (hall gather thegood comfort and fruite ofthem : and whether they haue prouided for their owne, or for aliants, for friends, or for foes, they are altogether vncertainc. But if it befail, that thusfar it profitcth them to beeweal- thie, that they -caw and drinke and liue thereby: our Saui- our anfweareth that nomans life confifleth in the abundance a.z&.ls of his riches : doenot pooremenhue alfo ? arenot fhcepe,and kine,andall other cattell nourifhed? Obie?t. $ut they farebetter then others, and in that rcfpe& they