. theyhaue a commoditie in their wealthabout others ? Anfwere. But better faredoth not make their Date better :. it helpeth not their health, it fwectneth not their fleepe, it re- reelefs,ir freíhcth not their harts,it furthereth them to no good feruice. That meate doth a ntan good which incitethhim toprayer,& thanckfulnefpe,which moueth him to compafsion& merge, and which maketh him able and readie to exercife euery good dutie in his calling. Firff, the Dore and plentie of riches and pofrefsions cloth Rcafons.' nothinghelp the Date of vntighttous men in the timeof their profperitie; for that which they haue is none of their owne : they haue neither right nor vfe ofany thing. that is about them. . f. They plow other mens grounds, andplant tia,6i.s. other mess orchards, and keepe other mens cattell, and-bee- come other mens drudges. And for this cattfe the Prophet Habbau4 doth cry out fhaìne vpon their follie, when they thinke themfelues to bee very wife and prudent; Ho, bee that Hab,z,F. increafeth that trhich is not his, andhee that ladeth 'himfelfe pith thicke clay. Theymake tliemfelues.packhorfes, or at leafi fer- uile porters which bow their backcs to other mens. burdens, and (hall bee recompenfed onely with feeling the weight of the fame.Or let thebenbe made of it,and be it their owne,yet their owne is nothing but a loade ofheauy morter. And this were well if this were all; but thewc-rfl remayneth to bee fpo- ken of namely their burdens of wicked trcafures bee as it were bags or purees obtayned by Health, or robberie,, which will therefore bring their hues into perill. Secondly,the abundance ofoutward things cannot ftccour 2 them in the time of theircalamitie-: for fo theProphct threat- neth; Neither theirfluer nor their gold Jhall bee able to deliver them in the day ofthe Lords :zrath Zeph.1.18. iftheir danger grew from the heat ofmens wrath there might bee hope that wealthwould help them : for either a finime ofmony would quench the flameof the aduerfaries difpleafure, or kindlecou- rage in Tome others to defend them.But now that God is pro- uoked againf} them, it is in vaine to offer gold or liluer topa- cific him, or to ranfome themfelues; for hee flandeth in no P-fal 4,.74 i.i. neede ler