r rein s. .to. er.3, neede of them, hee adrnireth them not as men doe,and they be his already , and at his owne will, to bedifpofed of. Then to oppofe ¿teem againff him, in way of refflance,it wereab. furd : for there is no power in them to doe vs goodwithout him : a,ad much leffe therefore to maintains any man gainíl 2.6z.1o.i*. him. Nay they be fo far Flom ayding frifiillmen againfl the h,,nd of God, as that they bee many times weapons in their hands to plague them with firoaks of judgement. It bathne- ucr beetle heard that the purfe hath preferued the man from the fword of the robber, or the chelt from the afhault of the theefe : but the contrary falleth out often, that men beemade a fpoile for their money, and brought to ruine, as a tree that hath great bowes and a little roote is overturned in a mightie temper}. But there efpecially doth wealth bring woe to wic kedmen,whenGod awaketh their confciences,eo behold their ownecruel tieand falfehood, and theheauiepunifhment now .readie to be infliaedvpon them for the fame.Thiswas Iaadas his cafe and fuch the Prophet fpeakes of&ek, 7. 19 They ¡hall cafl their filuer into the flreetes,and their gold fhalbecaft afar off: That which was dearefl to their hearts beefore,and brought them to finne,they remoue furthefl from themnow : when they tecle the forrowof it . Andbeefdes this although riches had fome greater vertue, and power in thcmfelues, yet they could (land vngodlymen inno !lead, becaufe they ceafe whenmiferybeginneth,whendeath commeth to men,and they come before the iudgement feate ofChrif}, the wicked haue ue.6. as. horrible forrowes and terrors vpon them, and all their wealth and fubilance is fledfrom them. VIc. i. ]nf}ruetion thatwe neuer corruptour hearts or peruertour waies to encreafe our came, and augment our wealth. This maketh a wound, but minit}reth no plaifler to heals it. It will affurédly bringtrouble and affliflion, but neuerany flrength andabilitie, eyther to prevent or to bears it. And therefore it (hall beour wifedome to forefce the euents that will enfue, vponairy vnlawful courfeof gayning.We would notwilling- ly enter into an houfevifitedwith thepeflilence thoughgreat chorewereprouidcd forvs. We wouldnot put oninkaious appareil