Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

appareil though theywere made of filke or fatten, or ftuffes that weredearefl.And thall we be moreprouident for the bo- dy then for the foule ? Nay for body fingly, more then for body and foule together ? Nay for meare body more then for body,and foule, and (late, and name,and feedeand pofieritie ? For iniquitiewill bring a curfe vpon all thefe, and goods pre- ferue not one of them. Terrour to the wicked that tliriue by iniuflice,asvfury,op. 2- prefsionpr any indirea meanes of getting. Euery good man may fay of them, as Iob did fay in the like cafe : Let the coup- lob,sx.a. fell ofthe wicked befarfrom mee : their candell will be putout, and diflruEtionwill come vpon them, vnleffe they breake off their iniuflice. All their commoditie is to them as the bait un- to the filh,with thehooke : as the corne that is fcattered for the birds vnder thenet : and as the fweete fops that arc fet for the rats with poyfon. Butrighteoufnefe, &c. The goodnefre ofa Chriflian will pc&t; worke him that happineffe which no outward goods could c- A Chr:tha tier procure. This was the mefrage that Habba. was to deli- mans happi tier to the people of God,to confirme them again(' thedan- nef( eth e in cihsot 1f} s gerous inuafion ofthe Babylonians, that the righteous fhould h;s + hue byhis faith.It is oppofed to theproud conceits ofthe wic- goods. ked on both fides. The high minded Chaldeans intended to t-iab.a..4. deflroy all, and the flubbern hearted Iewes prefumed to et- cape all del}ruaion.Now theLord Ihewed that neither fideof them should haue their wils. For the faithful! deli- vered from death, or the euill of it, nowithflanding all the power and weapons of the Babilonians. And onely the faith- full had affiirance ofhappy deliuerance notes ithflanding:all the armourand riches ofthe Ifraclites. Firfl,the efficacie of the fpirit,and the merit ofChritt loth Reafon. free them from the firft death, andgiuc thema part in the first rcfurref ion. E'phef. z , r . Secondly, the prouidcnce andpower ofGod, cloth fheeld them from the hurtful! (word, which wouldbring tlm to an vntimely end. And they can at all timesopenheaven gacs,1ty the keyofprayer, and haue accef e to God in all diihreffes. H.ïij. Hamm