Hamanwas notedwith riches, and aduanced to dignitie, an& backed with great friends : and yet on a fodaine with, the turningof an hand his life, andpower, andwholeeflatcwaso- uerturned. AndC2 Lrdocay was a poore man, a captiue, mar ligned, and. condemned, and came fo neerc to the chawes of death,that aftera fort it breathedupon him : yet beinga righ. teous mati,and crying to theLord, he obteined a glorious de- liuerance. Ieho[ophat Teemed to be in as great perill as eAhab, and flhab was ofas great wealth aslehofophat,yet God gaue rec`lion to the hand of one archer,vnwtttingly to (hoote,and to the arrow to light vpon him, and to finde a chincke in his armour, and.to hit him, in fuch a place,.as through which it pearced tohis life. And contrariwife bee perfivaded the hearts ofmany otherswhopuffedvpon Ichofophat towithdraw their hands, and. to let him alone in fafetie. 3 Thirdly, the death of Iefus Chrifi bath plucked out the fling, and taken away the venomeof their naturali death, as that it is conuerted into a quiet and comfortable ref}. é Fourthly, the Refurreflion of-Iefits Chrifk (hall at the laf} day fubdue and defiroy this death,that now houldeth their bo. dies in the graue, and death (hall dye, and they (hall hue in immortalirie and euerlaf}ing blefredneffe. Ifcs, lnfirutc}-ion to euery one to get a fore poffefsion of found and vnfained righteoutnefle, fuch as will hould weight_in the ballance of Gods righteoufneffe, before-his iudgenientfeate: and therefore let himobferue thefe three generali rules which bee effeefuall and neceffarie.Firf},that he put off theold man, with the carr.all reafon and 1hewes thereof: dfclayming for authentick and alowable goodnefre,all countetfait,natural and ciuill venues, and bee clothed with Chrifi and his rnerites,and fantifiedwith his holy Spirit, Phil.3.9.1 o. Secondly,that bee make a narrow fèarch to finde out all his finnes,and that with godly farrow and repentance for the fame:obtaining alfopar- don and retnifsion for them, through the blood of Iefus Chrif}.Thirdly.,tl:at he make a confcience,contantly,andto- tally to walke in thecommandements ofGod, endettoring to pit;aae him. iñ,all things. For. hce that leauethoff well doeing. in.