Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Prvùerbs. rhpao.ver.3: iS in the end;thal loofe all the comfort ofhis beginning. And he that is content to ferue Godbut in a part,may bec fuppated to 'ferue him foundly in no part. Corifolation to them that haue attained to this righteouf- nefhe,and beefurnifhed with it,in heart andbehauiour : they are throughly armednot onely with the brefplate, but with thewhole and complete armour ofGod, againf} Sathan and all his forces. And fo likewife are they in fafety from the pe- rill ofall places; the violence of all perlons, and the terrours ofall times, and feafons. When theyare in health they neede not to feare frckneffe, when they are ficke, they neede not to feare death : when they are to die, they neede not to dread the daungerofdamnation. The Lordwill not famifh theToole ofthe righteous, but hee cafleth away thefubflance of the wicked. Thefe words bee inferred vpon the former, as an anfwerc to a ferret obie6tion, that might bee made against them : why should it bee thought that men get n6 good by gathering ri- ches in what manner foeuereTheyRand them in fleade in time ofdearth & carcety;whenothers that want them, though neuer fo iuf}, are like to perifh. Now heere bee theweth the cafe to bee otherwife, good men are not vnprouided offood becaufc they are vnfurnifhed with wealth : and linfull mete haue no affurance ofproutfston though they haue riches :for the Lordwill notfamil6 the foules ofthe righteous, that is, will not fuffer themen themfelues to (tare, though they haue ne- -tter to little. But will raft away the fubflance oftheavicked, that is, hewill dcpriue them of the poffeisionor vfe,or vertue ofit when they are ingreaterneede. The Lordwill not, &c. PooreChriftians be inbetter efiate then wealthie wicked men, tuen in refpeetofbodily prouilion andmaintenance. Such a comparifon is made Tirol. 3 q. z o. that Lyons, that is, "nightie, ftrong,ar.dboyl}erous men ft fer trunger,and fuflaine want (as was notábiy feene in the cafe of Nabrscadnez ter,who in the middetüof his gr:eaaLett power, his aanp c a Verfc,sz DaEt. A pc.o!eChri fÌtaci b:rtei thty;. r ch V. ur;d;ng.